Showing 1–16 of 246 results

Pendants are the perfect way to carry a sentiment, intent, love, memory with you every day” – The Growler

Pendants are perfect as jewellery which can be worn everyday, integrated into your daily life, becoming part of you.  The pendant designs I currently create are all within this category.  They are also available across the Hairy Growler themed collections, surrounded by like minded work.  The packaging of the work is equally well considered which provides a fun, unique gift opportunity.

“Handcrafted & 100% Recycled, made in Cambridge”

The pendants are all hand cut from old ‘out of circulation’ coins, silver coins, spoons, forks, etc.  Consequently, each one is unique and ethical.   The perfect combination of something which not only looks lovely, but also fills you with ‘good stuff’.  The personal knowing that you have chosen a nice eco-friendly, eco-conscious jewellery choice!  Furthermore many of the designs can be engraved with personal initials or date.   I love making them and i hope you will enjoy wearing them.